Tenipuri Party – Zaizen Hikaru

Zaizen Hikaru
13th Place, 21602 Votes, Shitenhouji Middle School Player

Middle School 2nd Year / July 20 (Cancer) / Blood Type A / 167cm→168cm / 57kg / Left-handed

The compass points toward the victorious mark – the hawk takes its flight at daybreak.

Special skill: Zaizen Wonderful, Temari Zaizen, and Zaizen Vault
Play style: All rounder
Family: Father, mother, older brother, sister-in-law, nephew, pet dog
Father’s job: Company employee (trading company)
Hobbies: Listening to music, video editing
Favorite motto: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
Favorite color: Carmine red
Favorite food: Shiratama zenzai, galettes, maccha latte with boba
Favorite book: Music magazines
Favorite music: British indies music
Favorite type: A homebody/a girl who is family-oriented
Favorite date spot: The new cafe that opened in Horie
Thing he wants most: MacBook
Thing(s) he’s bad at/with: The bitter parts of a fish, strong air conditioning, rocking rides
Elementary school: Dotonbori Dai-ichi Elementary School
School committee: Library committee
Best subject: English
Worst subject: Classics
Most visited spot on campus: A/V room
Spends his allowance on: CDs, internet charges
Skills outside of tennis: “Hacking (lol)”
Routine during tournaments: Video streaming
Favorite anniversary: Days off
Where he wants to travel to: Burano
A gift to his special person: “It’d probably be a song I wrote”

…To be honest, I’m surprised. By this ranking.
It means you have high hopes for me, huh.
Leading Shitenhouji next year is gonna be tiresome and a total pain in the butt, but…
Since you got me this far, I guess I’m just gonna have to give it a shot.
Well, make sure that you cheer for me.

Q: Zenzai drinks are really popular. Yuuta-kun is also into them.
A: Huh~ He has good taste. Incidentally, the red bean paste is intended to go down smoothly.

Q: Your conversation about dogs with Shishido-kun and Kurobane-kun was quite lively.
A: It was one-sided and they were just going on and on about it. Pet owners are kinda dumb.

Q: Please show us one of your gags!
A: Sigh… alright, fine. Hi~ This is HikaruKENYA1. Where’s my other half? Ah, since he’s moving at the speed of light, you can’t see him with the naked eye.

Q: It seems like you and Kamio-kun were having quite an enthusiastic discussion. 
A: He wants to increase his follower count. I told him that he needs to find something to post about every day.

A MIDI keyboard made for composing music
I compose music on my PC, so it’s the stuff that I use for that. And I’m using freeware, so. The guitar picks? They were a gift.

0 Years Old:
July 20th – He was born

6 Years Old:
He fed and played with rabbits at the nature park

12 Years Old:
July – Receives his own computer for his birthday 
November – Visits Shitenhouji’s culture festival and listens to Kenya’s band perform
March – Graduates from Dotonbori Dai-ichi Elementary School
April – 
Enters Shitenhouji Middle School
During the festival of laughter at the welcome ceremony for new students, he calmly responds to Konjiki with a quip2 that results in being enthusiastically invited to join the tennis club
May – Refuses to participate in the National Laughter IQ Test

13 Years Old:
July –
Found a lost cat and takes it in for a while
Finds the owner and bids his farewell

August –
Takes the night bus to Tokyo, and encounters Oshitari at Daikanyama
Is in the top four schools at Nationals

October – During the scavenger hunt, needs to find a “great man,” and presents Gin as his finding to secure 1st place

November – During their program in the Kinoshita Toukichirou Festival, he plays in the band as the guitarist

January – Forced to smile during the club’s punishment game

March – During the party where you need to make the graduates laugh, he succeeds in making Hara laugh, but it’s a close fight

April – 
Becomes a 2nd year in middle school
Rumors start to stir when he’s sighted being out for a walk with his sister-in-law
May – Slowly starts to become well known on a video streaming website
June – Victorious at the prefectural tournament

14 Years Old:
July –
The Kansai Tournament begins and takes home the win
During the three person comedy interview, receives two kokeshi from Osamu
August 14th – Gets an advanced look of where Nationals will be held
August 17th – In the 2nd round, defeats Oonaga from Okakura in Singles 3
August 19th –
Wins in the Quarterfinals against Fudoumine, doesn’t have a match
Defeated in the Semifinals against the Tezuka/Inui pair in Doubles 1
Observes in the yakiniku battle

End of August – Goes to cheer in the National My Kabu-chan is the Best Cup

September – Meets up with Chitose at the festival hall and they watch the same stage

November –
Refuses to go to the U17 training camp, but then sneaks in with Hitouji
Participates in the training on top of the cliff
Expresses his gratitude to Kawamura for smashing falling rocks and saving him
Talks to Kamio about music and something flashes
Is told by Toono to post about it to his blog and he politely refuses

December –
The U-17 Pre-World Cup begins
Goes to Australia by boat as part of the cheering squad for the U-17 World Cup
Exchanges IDs with Kiraku and Minamoto3
The main lines start in the U-17 World Cup (B Block)
Japan is announced to participate in the final tournament

Translator’s Notes:
1 光KENYA is the name of Zaizen and Oshitari’s manzai comedy act that they perform at school.
2 I used quip, but the actual word was ツッコミ (tsukkomi, lit. straight man), which is one half of the aforementioned manzai comedy act.
3 I assume that they mean that they exchanged LINE IDs, the popular messaging app in Japan similar to WhatsApp.

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