Akutagawa Jirou, Mukahi Gakuto, Shishido Ryou, “HPG -Oretachi no Bougen-


HPG-oretachi no bougen-

HPG-Our Adventure-

どこまでも青い空の下 さぁ冒険に出かけよう!

dokomademo aoi shita no shita saa bougen ni dekakeyou!

Underneath the vast blue sky~ let’s go on an adventure!



ケンカしても 5秒後には もう仲直りさ

oretachi wa itsumo isshou sa (nakayo C)

gaki no koro kara zutto (sannin gumi)

kenka shitemo go byou go ni wa mou nakanaori sa

We’ve always been together (Best friends!)

Ever since we were little (A trio!)

Even when we argue, after about five seconds we’ve already made up

今日も元気だ! 合言葉は「みそ」「しお」「コショー」

指さし確認! オレよし! オレよし! 行ってよし!

緊急出動だ! 急げ! モンスター出現!

kyou mo genki da! aikotoba wa “miso” “shio” “koshou”

yubisashi kakunin! ore yoshi! ore yoshi! itte yoshi!

kinkyuu shutsudou da! isoge! monsutaa shutsugen!

We’re full of energy today! The code words are, “Miso!” “Salt!” “Pepper!”

I’ve confirmed the target! I’m here! Me too! Let’s go!1

It’s an urgent mission! Hurry! The monster’s here!

守るんだ 平和の楽園 正義のために戦うんだ

赤い薔薇を背負った やけに不敵な微笑み


mamorun da heiwa no rakuen seigi no tame ni tatakaun da

akai bara wo seotta yake ni futeki na hohoemi

kontenpan ni shite yaru ze

We’ll protect our peaceful paradise! We fight for justice!

We’re carrying red roses, wearing wild and fearless grins

We’ll turn you black and blue!

ワックワクだC! すげーな! マジマジカッコE

跳んでみそカツ オイシイとこもってくじゃねーか

オレたちの冒険 パワーとスリル満点

wakkuwaku da C! sugee na! majimaji kakko E

tonde miso katsu oishii toko motteku ja nee ka

oretachi no bouken pawaa to suriru manten

I’m so excited! That was so cool! Like, seriously, seriously cool!

Jumpin’ toward that victory meal2 – should we find someplace good to eat?

Our adventure is a perfect combo of power and thrills!

攻めるんだ ピンチの先には でっかいチャンスが待っている

どこまでも青い空の下 風雲急を告げる STORY

どんな強い敵でも ともに倒し進もう


semerun da pinchi no saki ni wa dekkai chansu ga matteiru

dokomademo aoi sora no shita fuun kyuu wo tsugeru STORY

donna tsuyoi teki demo tomo ni taoshisusumou

tatakai wa tsuzuiteyuku

Before we find ourselves in a pinch, we’ll attack – we’ve got a wide opening

Underneath the vast blue sky, it’s the story of a tense, critical situation, but

No matter what strong enemies we face, side by side let’s bring them down

The fight will only continue from here!

Translator’s Notes:

1 They’re using Sakaki’s signature “itte yoshi” line as their battle cry.

2 I waffled back and forth with this line. Mukahi is using his signature “tonde miso” line, and it’s a play on words utilizing the verb 勝つ (katsu, lit. to win) where he’s basically saying he wants to eat miso katsu. But, given Shishido’s follow up line, referencing it as a victory meal felt more appropriate than the literal translation.

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